We enhance your ERP system

We help to overcome limitations of your existing ERP system by developing customised software, forms, workflows and reports that your system does not provide.

Who Are We?

Around ERP is a special Initiative by Sanjeevan Technologies designed to cater to various ERP implementation issues.

We Can Help You At Every Stage of Your ERP Implementation Journey

Planning to Implement ERP?

Every business has a unique set of problems & needs which need to be considered before implementing an ERP system.

We have a collective experience of 30+ years in helping businesses implement ERP systems successfully.

We would love to have a chat with you if you are planning to implement an ERP system.

In the Middle of ERP Implementation?

Challenges abound! Is your ERP system implementation not going as planned?

Identifying the bottlenecks & resolving them is the most critical task during implementation. This requires methodical analysis of your operations and business processes.

Productive discussion with all the stakeholders is necessary to facilitate proper implementation of ERP system.

Our team consists of experienced technical as well as business professionals which can act as a bridge between your business and your ERP vendor.

Post Implementation Gaps

ERP systems are designed to be as flexible as possible, to a point. Since every business is unique, it is not possible for ERP systems to automate all the processes of the business. This is where we come in.

We can build software for you to automate those unique processes your business has, that the ERP does not provide.

We can build additional software to help make use of your ERP systems smoother and more efficient

We can help generate reports that your ERP system does not provide

ERP Project Failure

Many cases the ERP project implementation fails. What is meant by failure is that it does not give expected results as anticipated, discussed and promised earlier through research, discussions and contract arrangement with the ERP vendor

This is where we come in. By deploying strategic process analysis and documentation, software development where required, along with discussion with stakeholders regarding critical pain points we help you rescue your ERP system from failure.

We provide you a blueprint for updating your processes to align with the ERP system as well as developing the required software to support your processes inside the ERP system.

What We Do

Why Us?

Our extensive knowledge of various domains and industry verticals help us in understanding your business in depth, leading to better solutions.

25 + Years of Experience in ERP

Across Multiple Domains

We have over 2 decades of experience of working successfully with different ERP solutions with businesses of all sizes.

Multiple Generations of Technologies

From globally popular ERP vendors to locally available ERP systems - we have worked with all. We have expertise in various software technologies to build systems according to business needs.

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